I Creative meeting in Sweden, Göteborg inspired youth and experts.


Project “Euromed: Education without borders” Partners and local organiser, experts and youth get together in the I Creative meeting on the 8-11th December in Göteborg, Sweden.

In the harmonious frame of the marvelous city of Goteborg it took place the first creative meeting of the Euromed project. The local partners were two upper secondary schools: Bernadotte and Munkebäcksgymnasiet.
These schools in addition to their regular classes have some classes dedicated to migrant students, mainly for helping them with the learning the Swedish language. And it is with these young people that we, participants of the meeting, had the opportunity to confront and interact.

Thanks to a workshop organized by the Swedish partners we have discussed together on sensitive issues, as the importance of the education, youth issues family, bullying, relationships and friendship, also has playing a role games.

The students were very interested in the project. They expressed questions and left their contribution. But most of all some refugees from Syria and Iraq were left speechless discovering that they could speak in Arabic with some of the participants in the meeting, but through games and positive mood we did not feel any walls between us. Later other project partners (from North and South) presented their workshops and best practices to the audience and it`s was great to get a feedback that some innovative methods and practices can be used in our schools, youth centre’s in our  work with children and youth.

The focus of the meeting then moved on the web-resource and the toolkit, by defining the final concepts and design of two main outcomes. To conclude the meeting all together we celebrated with an intercultural evening-dinner with partners traditional food, stories, songs and celebrating Christmas time.

During the meeting there was also time to visit the city, meet with the history of Sweden and Göteborg city, visit Lisberg, Volvo Museum, Vardldskultuurmuseet (Wordls Culture museeum) and immerse in the Christmas atmosphere, very unique. This brings us right to the heart of this project: there is no better way to know each other by going through our differences and traditions.

I Creative meeting became a starting point of our educational, cultural and cooperation journey. Next meeting will be on the 9-12th February 2017 in Assilah, Morocco.