Regional Call for participants to take part in the upcoming international security and civil society conference 2023

Dear Friends,
Our member of network SSCW has a pleasure to invite EuroMed Network members to take part in the upcoming international security and civil society conference 2023, Under titel: “Reflections on Security: International Community, CSOs and their contribution for a more secure and sustainable Europe, that takes place on 2nd-5th February 2023 in Narva, Estonia.

Security & Civil Society Conference 2023 is a three-day event (3rd, 4th and 5th February 2023) that will include an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the civil society and international stakeholders appeal (declaration) to the international community. A one-day preparatory meeting and visits in Estonian Government Institutions and Estonian representation of the European Commission will be organised for the high level experts and invited speakers on the 1st and 2nd February 2023 in Tallinn.

The geopolitical shock and the consequences following from the Russian invasion in Ukraine are also influencing security and democracy development in three key regions: Charting Ukraine’s and Moldovan`s Future in European Union, conscious Nordic-Baltic security policies to becoming NATO members and global & regional influence on Mediterranean security environment.  We will discuss the role of CSOs  and different stakeholders in achieving peace and the importance of intercultural dialogue in healing divides and reconciling societies. Key foreign and security policy issues will be discussed mostly from the perspective of the Euro-Mediterranean region, Northern and Eastern parts of Europe.

The conference is an opportunity to reaffirm the significance of the importance of the work of the European Union, NATO, OSCE and its member states for promoting peace on the continent and achieving a safer, greener, socially sustainable and digitally integrated community. The conference will connect regional networks of practitioners, distinguished policymakers, civil society organisations, analysts, politicians, military personnel representatives, academics, media and international donors from Europe and foreign actors of the Euro-Mediterranean region and abroad.

The aim of the conference is to explore the various of options to achive peace and democracy in regional conflicts and support international cooperation in the achievement of UN SDGs.

The international event is open to all interested individuals, representatives from public, private and civil society sectors whose work is connected directly or indirectly with politics, civil society, media, security questions, peace promotion and the UN SDG-s. We welcome youth organisations, educational institutions, finance industry leaders, academics, researchers, legislators, planners and policy specialists in all relevant areas, representatives from International institutions, intergovernmental organisations, governments, ministries or departments, international donors, national and regional human rights organisations. For international and local participants a total of 100 places are available.

At this conference, the Narva Declaration will be finalised and approved, together with local Citizens’ Action plans, which will be submitted to the European Commission, International Institutions, international and governmental organizations, media and various of thematic networks who is working on achievement of peace, security, democracy, rule of law and  support of CSOs in Build Resilient Societies.

The Conference program provides a great opportunity to explore the north coast of Estonia, in beautiful Narva and its neighborhood near Russian border (Ida-Virumaa County).
The official language is EnglishTranslation will be provided in English and Arabic.
The conference is co-organized by a consortium of international partners from 15 countries and financed by European Regional Development Fund through the Estonian Development Fund. The conference is also supported (contently and/or financially) by the British Council, Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society and Green Habito network members.
The seats are limited. Registration is open until 27 January 2023 or until all seats are booked.
The price of the conference pass is 250 EUR, which includes the 3-day conference, 3 nights’ accommodation, meals, local transport, conference materials and evening cultural programs. For Estonian participants is 100 EUR (not including accommodation costs).
You will see the north coast of Estonia and enjoy the diversity of Estonian green cultural life.
The conference fee does not cover any flight costs! Each participant is responsible for his own international flight arrival/departure.
This conference is designed as a hybrid event with most participants attending live but some, from security and finanial unabilities will be  joining virtually.
The online participation in the conference is free and open to all interested, but please apply for online participation.
To ensure the best collaborative experience for all, the oline conference event will be limited to 50 participants.
The call is open till 27 January 2023.
We can guarantee your participation only if you have valid travel documents, flight tickets to Estonia, you confirm that you are healthy and you have been approved by organizers to take part in the conference.
NB! You could also take part in the side events, happening from 01-07th February 2023 in Tallinn, Helsinki and other places across the North coast of Estonia.
Please be free to share the invitation to your network members!
More information and registration: