About us

It is important to ask yourself – do we value being educated, being knowledgeable about other cultures and understanding the role all this plays in our personal self-fulfillment. Or do we stay reactive and deal only with consequences when they occur. The partnership team behind this project has decided to take responsibility for our own environment, promote intercultural education and dialogue, encourage others to implement their own initiatives. Life is full of complicated challenges, but meeting them head-first and tackling them in cooperation with others will help to see life from another angle and find effective solutions for problems.

We welcome you to the Web- Guide to Intercultural Education, a crucial topic that affects the stability and prosperity of our region. That is why through this project we have gathered together young people from across Europe and Mediterranean countries who hold the keys to solutions to our common problems. All participants from 10 partner countries together produced this a web resource and book through the result of much hard work. The project activities which included workshops, editorial and partnership meetings in different participants countries across regions (Latvia, Sweden, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Estonia) produced many fruitful discussions that lasted well into night. All these exchanges of experiences and sharing of best practices produced many ideas.

Through this project we aimed to encourage creative solutions and advance intercultural education among young people of the Euro-Mediterranean region to increase communication and build trust to motivate young people cross borders to take charge of the development of the Euro-Mediterranean region and recognize the benefits of working together across cultural boundaries as we share common goals and a common future. ThisWeb-resource provides an opportunity to get an overview of our similarities and differences, and how these varied experiences can be used to gather input on ways forward. As well as methods that can be used towards building a common future. When we wake up in the world we are unaware what is waiting for us; some have mountains of opportunity to be whatever they want to be, others must live up to the anticipation of those around them, making few choices for themselves.

EUROMEDUC network – it`s a results of project “EuroMed: Education without borders”  which was run in 6 countries and directly involved more than 300 people. Currently our network includes representative from Egypt, Morrocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Lybia, Jordan, Palestine, Turkey and EU countries.  More than 32 member organisations and individual experts work together to empower colloboration between North and South in achiving sustainable development goals.

Short about how it all began (about project and its development)

Project objective is to encourage creative solutions and advance intercultural education among young people of the Euro-Mediterranean region. The aim is increasing communication and build trust to motivate youngsters crossing borders to take charge of the development of the targeted area. We recognize that working together is crucial to reach our common future goals.

In fact we address the youth from partner countries who are active and interested in the Euro-Mediterranean issues and have experience in education,  juvenile work and creativity.

Through the three creative meetings the participants have received new insights on the education, formal and informal, and it can be used as a ideas and tools, to create and propose new ways on how to use

Creativity in addressing social issues and have participated in developing them further. The methodology has been comprised together into a concrete form as a toolkit and also uploaded to the electronic web-resource that can be used as an education tool by participant organisations, but also schools, youth centers etc.

Outputs of the project: International Grand Conference of main stakeholders and EuroMed Youth has been carried out.

Results sustainable outputs in the form of a creative intercultural education toolkit and web-resource have been developed and promoted that provide means for developing communication and understanding across Euro-Mediterranean regions. Now is the time where increased Euro-Mediterranean cooperation is extremely fruitful to both sides assisting the forging of a common ground hopefully built on common values and shared vision of the future. Young people from both regions are the ones who have the resourcefulness and drive for innovation that can make this happen in a truly sustainable manner. That’s why we feel that a project focusing on young people with its outcomes designed and created by young people of Euro-Mediterranean area with the intended purpose of motivating young people to take charge on Euro-Mediterranean issues is where keys to a better future for all of us are hidden.

After finalisation of the this project partners get together in Tallinn, 2019 to sign colloboration agreements and forumlation of EuroMed Network with the head quarter in Rhodes, Greece (executive management) and President from Tunis, Tunisia.