Web links

Estonian useful links in intercultural education and other topics

Useful links in intercultural education (in Latvian)

1) Handbook   “Intercultural communication”.  The information was prepared in the frames of development of study course “Intercultural communication” by Ministry of Culture of LR and Society Integration Foundation

2)  Presentation from the research and practical etwinning conference “Intercultural cooperation and project based method in present-day study process”.
Author I.Margeviča, Liepaja, 05.11.2011.

3) Intercultural Education – Intercultural dialogue in everyday life and education http://www.iac.edu.lv/istenotie-projekti/starpkulturu-dialoga-veicinasana/raksts-starpkulturu-dialogs-ikdiena-un-izglitiba/

4) Services for third country nationals http://www.integration.lv/