News from III Creative meeting in Sousse, Tunisia


The project`s “Euro-Med: education without borders” 3rd creative meeting is taking a place in Sousse, Tunisia. Our partners from different European and Arab countries unites to widen the boarders of our countries, build trust and improve communication between north and south. For the following two days (8-9 of April 2017) we will be brain storming on how to improve our web resource and include various educational, cultural, civil society and youth policies, best practices and promote intercultural education in all fields. By the end of this meeting we will be ready to present all our thoughts and ideas which will be edited in our final meeting in Alexandria, Egypt, where book and tool kit will be edited as first final draft version. With support of Anna Lindh foundation and project management of SSCW have brought this project to life and we are looking forward to implement all the following resources into the real life.